Russian Roulette Gambling Game

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Russian Roulette Gambling Game 3,9/5 4305 reviews

American Roulette With the same sense of anticipation as a physical Roulette table, American Roulette is the perfect fit for fans of the red, black, and green wheel.Play the odds with bets on red or black and odds or evens, or raise the stakes and place your chips on your favorite numbers. Roulette is the classic casino game easily identified by its distinctive spinning wheel. The roulette wheel makes roulette arguably the most active and dynamic game on the casino floor. The game always gathers a huge crowd drawn in by the ever present clickity-clank of the wheel and the excitement of the game itself.

Players: 2-6 Type:Social Drink:ClearAlcohol Good Times: 😉 😉 😉

How to Play Russian Roulette Drinking Game

Fortunately, there are no guns involved in the Russian Roulette Drinking Game. It’s definitely a lot more fun than the “loaded” version. Basically, the gun = 6 shot glasses and the bullet = alcohol.

Get ready to learn how to play this fun adult drinking game – we’ve got step-by-step instructions, variations, pictures, and plenty of videos.

How to Play Russian Roulette – Overview

  • Video #1:Russian Roulette with Liquor
  • Video#2:Russian Roulette with Beer
  • Video #3:Alcoholics Hippopotamus Play Russian Roulette

4 Things You Need to Play

  1. A Six-Sided Die
  2. Numbers 1- 6 from a deck of Cards
  3. Any clear alcohol (vodka, tequila, peppermint schnapps, etc.)

for How to Play Russian Roulette Drinking Game

#1. Line up six shot glasses.
#2. Fill one with clear alcohol and the remaining 5 with water.
#2. Move around the shot glasses to make sure nobody knows which one has the booze.
#3. Then, place cards on the table, lining them up in a row.
#4. When you put a shot glass on top of each card, you’re good to go.

Step-by-Step Instructions
for How to Play Russian Roulette Drinking Game

#1. First, the beginning player rolls the die and drinks the amount of shots corresponding with the number on the card.
#2. If the player get a water shot, play continues to the next player’s turn.
#3. If the next player rolls the same number as the first one, they must keep re-rolling until they get a different number.
#4. Play continues to go around the table until some gets the shot glass filled with booze. Then it’s time to drink up!

After someone drinks up the alcohol, that round is over. Follow the set-up steps again and repeat.

When Does Russian Roulette End?

The beauty of this drinking game is that you can play as long as you want, unless you run out of alcohol.

Russian Roulette Gambling Game

Video Demo #1 How to Play Russian Roulette with Liquor

Variation #1 – Click and Bang Russian Roulette

Russian roulette game online

In this variation of the Russian Roulette Drinking game, you don’t need to use any dice. Instead, you just start at one end and work your way down, until one of the players gets the alcohol (“bullet”).

When someone drinks a shot of water, they say “click,” like the empty chamber of a gun. If a player ends up with the alcoholic shot, they say “bang” to indicate that it was a “bullet.”

The rest of the game play is just like regular Russian Roulette.

Variation #2 – Everyone Takes a Shot Russian Roulette

If you have plenty of shot glasses each player could have their own “gun.” Game play would be the same as in variation one but each person will have a shot each round because everyone has his own shot!

Variation #3 – Casino Russian Roulette Drinking Game

For the third variation of the Russian Roulette Drinking Game, you’ll need to buy a casino type version. As you can see in the game pictured on the right, it’s a circular spinning device with holders for shot glasses.

There are 16 numbered shot glasses and each player chooses or is assigned a number. One of the great things about the spinning-wheel Russian Roulette Drinking Game is that every shot glass is filled with alcohol.

If a player’s number comes up after spinning, they drink the shot.

Another perk of this version is that you aren’t limited to just clear alcohol. Because there’s a lot more drinking!

Russian Roulette Casino Game Online

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Variation #4 – Beer Russian Roulette

For Beer Russian Roulette, you need a can of beer for each player for every round you play. (All of the beer has to be the same brand/type.)

First, a player chooses a single can and shakes it super hard. Then, they mix up the beers and pass them out to each player.

Everyone then must open their beer at the same time, and you can guess what happens… One unlucky soul is sprayed in the face with beer, while the other players get to leisurely sip their own beers.

Variation #5 of Russian Roulette Drinking Game

The first few steps are exactly the same as the previous Beer variation.

After this, everyone chooses a beer at random and puts it on top of their head. At the count of 3, everyone opens their beer at exactly the same time. Unsurprisingly, the player with the exploding beer is eliminated.

Naturally, everyone must finish their can of beer before starting the next round. (It’s best to set a time limit to finish, like 10 minutes or so.)

At the next round, it’s the same set up as before, except there’s one less beer since one person has been booted out of the beer drinking game. This makes a fantastic backyard drinking game, since it’s very messy.

Important Note: The player who did the shaking of the beer gets the beer left over after everyone else has selected one.

3 More Fun Drinking Games You’ll Love

If you like Russian Roulette, why stop there? Here are 3 alcohol games you and your friends will love:
How to Play Gilmore Girls Drinking Game with Rules
Landmines Drinking Game
Kings Rules

Which Variation to Choose?
Russian Roulette Drinking Game

Now that you know all of the variations, it’s up to you! It all depends on your own style, and whether or not you want to get messy. (The beer versions of the Russian Roulette Drinking Game are incredibly messy.)

The Casino version is always a hit, and a great choice for a party. Although the good old original version is just fine, too. Most importantly, and drink responsibly. Cheers!

Video #3: Acoholics Hippopotamus

Russian Roulette Video Game

Back to Overview

Russian Roulette is a very lethal game and there are no versions of this brutal game these days. This is why Situs Judi QQoffers all the gamblers a wide variety of casino games that they can enjoy. Coming back to the history of the Russian Roulette game, which is completely a game of chance. In this game, there is a revolver with only one bullet. This game was given the term roulette as there is an element of risk and the spinning of the gun resembles the spinning of a roulette wheel. There are basically two players in this version of roulette. Each player spins and fires the revolver in every successive turn so that there is an equal probability of failure that is 1/6. This game dates back to early times.

Free russian roulette

There were times when Russian prisoners were forced to play this game and the guards used to bet on the result of the game. This game has been declared illegal in most places. Many people think that this game is meant for people who are suicidal. The game of Russian roulette has very interesting statistics. If a single round is being played then a player has 83.3 percent chances of surviving.

Though the basic probability is 1/6, yet it also depends on the design of the gun, the load of the cartridge, and how the roll is spun. The cylinder is rotated mostly in two ways. One is to use the revolvers that have cylinders so the players can spin the cylinder. In this method, the result is almost random and the probability of survival is exactly 1/6. In the second method the gun is closed and the hammer is cocked back half the way and then it is spun. In this way of spinning the cylinder, it is permitted to spin until the cylinder stops. Every time the trigger has pulled the chances of getting killed change. In another way, it can be said that after four games have been played the chances of survival are 50/50. People have been seen playing Russian roulette in many pictures and television serials as well. Russian roulette is also incorporate in video games.

In casino games, many variations of roulette are played. Russian Roulette is also a type of roulette that is played in online casinos. Russian roulette can be called as an evil sister of casino roulette. Where casino roulette is a very enjoyable game, Russian roulette is very deadly. This type of roulette has no relation with tables, wheels, and croupiers. Many people ask the question that why a person should play Russian roulette. But there are no clear answers.

Russian Roulette Casino Game Online

People used to play this version of roulette as a show of bravado. People who have nothing to lose play this game as a suicide attempt. People started nothing this type of roulette in stories written by famous writers. There are many legends about different incidences that are related to Russian Roulette. In one such story, it is said that Russian army officers who were desperate or suicidal used to play this version of roulette to impress other army officers. Though this game is very deadly yet because of the stories and the serials that were made on this game it became so popular.