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Russian Roulette: The Story of an Assassin, p.8
Anthony HorowitzWhat was I expecting the university to be like? In my mind, I had seen a single building like my school, only bigger. But instead, when I came out of the station, I found a city within the city, an entire neighbourhood devoted to learning. It was much more spacious and elegant than anything I had so far seen of Moscow. There were boulevards and parks, special buses to carry the students in and out, lawns and fountains, and not one building but dozens of them, evenly spaced, each one in its own domain. It was all dominated by one of Stalin’s skyscrapers, and as I stood in front of it I saw how it had been designed to make you feel tiny, to remind you of the power and the majesty of the state. Standing in front of the steps that led to the front doors – hidden behind a row of columns – I felt like the world’s worst sinner about to enter a church. But at the same time, the building had a magnetic attraction. I had no idea where the biology department was. But this was the heart of the university. I would find Misha Dementyev here. I climbed the steps and went in.
The inside of the building didn’t seem to fit what I had seen outside. It was like stepping into a submarine or a ship with no windows, no views. The ceilings were low. It was too warm. Corridors led to more corridors. Doors opened onto other doors. Staircases sprouted in every direction. Students marched past me on all sides, carrying their books and their backpacks, and I forced myself to keep moving, knowing that if I stopped and looked lost it would be a sure way to get noticed. It seemed to me that if there was an administrative area, an office with the names of all the people working at the university, it would be somewhere close to the entrance. Surely the university wouldn’t want casual visitors to plunge too far into the building or to take one of the lifts up to the fortieth or fiftieth floor? I tried a door. It was locked. The next one opened into a toilet. Next to it there was a bare room, occupied by a cleaner with a mop and a cigarette.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“The administration office.”
She looked at me balefully. “That way. On the left. Room 1117.”
The corridor went on for about a hundred metres but the door marked 1117 was only halfway down. I knocked and went in.
There were two more women sitting at desks which were far too small for the typewriters, piles of paper, files and ashtrays that covered them. One of the women was plugged into an old-fashioned telephone system, the sort with wires looping everywhere, but she glanced up as I came in.
“Yes?” she demanded.
“Can you help me?” I asked. “I’m looking for someone.”
“You need the student office. That’s room 1301.”
“I’m not looking for a student. I need to speak to a professor. His name is Misha Dementyev.”
“Room 2425 – the twenty-fourth floor. Take the lift at the end of the corridor.”
I felt a surge of relief. He was here! He was in his office! At that moment, I saw the end of my journey and the start of a new life. This man had known my parents. Now he would help me.
I took the lift to the twenty-fourth floor, sharing it with different groups of students who all looked purposefully grubby and dishevelled. I had been in a lift before and this old-fashioned steel box, which shuddered and stopped at least a dozen times, had none of the wonders of the escalator on the Metro. Finally I arrived at the floor I wanted. I stepped out and followed a cream-coloured corridor that, like the ground floor, had no windows. At least the offices were clearly labelled and I found the one I wanted right at the corner. The door was open as I approached and I heard a man speaking on the telephone.
“Yes, of course, Mr Sharkovsky,” he was saying. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
I knocked on the door.
“Come in!”
I entered a small, cluttered room with a single, square window looking out over the main avenue and the steps that had first brought me into the building. There must have been five or six hundred books there, not just lined up along the shelves but stacked up on the floor and every available surface. They were fighting for space with a whole range of laboratory equipment, different-sized flasks, two microscopes, scales, Bunsen burners, and boxes that looked like miniature ovens or fridges. Most unnerving of all, a complete human skeleton stood in a frame in one corner as if it were here to guard all this paraphernalia while its owner was away.
The man was sitting at his desk. He had just put down the phone as I came in. My first impression was that he was about the same age as my father, with thick black hair that only emphasized the round bald patch in the middle of his head. The skin here was stretched tight and polished, reflecting the ceiling light. He had a heavy beard and moustache, and as he examined me from behind a pair of glasses, I saw small, anxious eyes blinking at me as if he had never seen a boy before – or had certainly never allowed one into his office.
Actually, I was wrong about this. He was nervous because he knew who I was. He spoke my name immediately. “Yasha?”
“Are you Mr Dementyev?” I asked.
“Professor Dementyev,” he replied. “Please, come in. Close the door. Does anyone know you’re here?”
“I asked in the administration room downstairs,” I said.
“You spoke to Anna?” I had no idea what the woman’s name was. He didn’t let me reply. “That’s a great pity. It would have been much better if you had telephoned me before you came. How did you get here?”
“I came by train. My parents—”
“I know what has happened in Estrov.” He was agitated. Suddenly there were beads of sweat on the crown of his head. I could see them glistening. “You cannot stay here, Yasha,” he said. “It’s too dangerous.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “My parents said you’d look after me!”
“And I will! Of course I will!” He tried to smile at me but he was full of nervous energy and he was allowing his different thought processes to tumble over each other. “Sit down, Yasha, please!” He pointed to a chair. “I’m sorry but you’ve taken me completely by surprise. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Can I get you something?” Before I could answer, he snatched up the telephone again. “There’s somebody I know,” he explained to me. “He’s a friend. He can help you. I’m going to ask him to come.”
He dialled a number and as I sat down facing him, uncomfortably close to the skeleton, he spoke quickly into the receiver.
“It’s Dementyev. The boy is here. Yes … here at the university.” He paused while the person at the other end spoke to him. “We haven’t had a chance to speak yet. I thought I should let you know at once.” He was answering a question I hadn’t heard. “He seems all right. Unharmed, yes. We’ll wait for you here.”
He put the phone down and it seemed to me that he was suddenly less agitated than he had been when I had arrived – as if he had done what was expected of him. For some reason, I was feeling uneasy. By the look of it, Professor Dementyev wasn’t pleased to see me. I was a danger to him. This was my parents’ closest friend but I was beginning to wonder how much that friendship was worth.
“How did you know who I was?” I asked.
“I’ve been expecting you, ever since I heard about what happened. And I recognized you, Yasha. You look very much like your mother. I saw the two of you together a few times when you were very young. You won’t remember me. It was before your parents left Moscow.”
“Why did they leave? What happened? You worked with them.”
“I worked with your father. Yes.”
“Do you know that he’s dead?”
“I didn’t know for certain. I’m sorry to hear it. He and I were friends.”
“So tell me—”
“Are you sure I can’t get you something?”
I had eaten and drunk everything I needed at Kazansky Station. What I really wanted was to be away from here. I have to say that I was disappointed by Misha Dementyev. I’m not sure what I’d been expecting, but maybe he could have been more affectionate, like a long-lost uncle or something? He hadn’t even come ou
t from behind his desk.
“What happened?” I asked again. “Why was my father sent to work in Estrov?”
“I can’t go through all that now.” He was flustered again. “Later…”
“Please, Professor Dementyev!”
“All right. All right.” He looked at me as if he was wondering if he could trust me. Then he began. “Your father was a genius. He and I worked here together in this department. We were young students; idealists, excited. We were researching endospores … and one in particular. Anthrax. I don’t suppose you know very much about that.”
“I know about anthrax,” I said.
“We thought we could change the world … your father especially. He was looking at ways to prevent the infection of sheep and cattle. But there was an accident. Working in the laboratory together, we created a form of anthrax that was much faster and deadlier than anything anyone had ever known. It had no cure. Antibiotics were useless against it.”
“It was a weapon?”
“That wasn’t our intention. That wasn’t what we wanted. But – yes. It was the perfect biological weapon. And of course the government found out about it. Everything that happens in this place they know about. It was true then. It’s true now. They heard about our work here and they came to us and ordered us to develop it for military use.” Dementyev took out a handkerchief and used it to polish the lenses of his glasses. He put them back on. “Your father refused. It was the last thing he wanted. So they started to put the pressure on. They threatened him. And that was when he did something incredibly brave … or incredibly stupid. He went to a journalist and tried to get the story into the newspapers.
“He was arrested at once. I was here, in the laboratory, when they marched him away. They arrested your mother too.”
“How old was I?” I asked.
“You were two. And – I’m sorry, Yasha – they used you to get at your parents. That was how they worked. It was very simple. If your parents didn’t do what they were told, they would never see you again. What choice did they have? They were sent to Estrov, to work in the factory. They were forced to produce the new anthrax. That was the deal. Stay silent. And live.”
So everything – my parents’ life or their non-life as prisoners in a remote village, the little house, the boredom and the poverty – had been for me. I wasn’t sure how that made me feel. Was I to blame for everything that had happened? Was I the one who had destroyed their lives?
“Yasha…” Dementyev stood up and came over to me. He was much taller than I had expected now that he was on his feet. He loomed over me. “Were you inoculated?” he asked.
I nodded. “My parents were shot at when they escaped. But they stole a syringe. They injected me.”
“I knew your father had been working on an antidote. Thank God! But I guessed it the moment I saw you. Otherwise you would have been dead a long time ago.”
“My best friend died,” I said.
“I’m so sorry. Anton and Eva – your parents – were my friends too.”
We fell silent. He was still standing there, one hand on the back of my chair.
“What will happen to me?” I asked.
“You don’t need to worry any more, Yasha. You’ll be well looked after.”
“Who was that you called?”
“It was a friend. Someone we can trust. He’ll be here very soon.”
There was something wrong. Things that he’d told me just didn’t add up. I was about to speak when I heard the sound of sirens, police cars approaching, still far away but drawing nearer. And I knew instantly that there was no friend, that Dementyev had called them. It wasn’t detective work. I could have asked him why my parents had been sent to live in Estrov while he had been allowed to stay here. I could have played back the conversation he’d had on the telephone, how he had referred to me simply as “the boy”. Not Yasha. Not Anton’s son. The people at the other end knew who I was because they’d been expecting me to show up, waiting for me. I could have worked it out but I didn’t need to. I saw it all in his eyes.
“Why?” I asked.
He didn’t even try to deny it. “I’m sorry, Yasha,” he said. “But nobody can know. We have to keep it secret.”
We. The factory managers. The helicopter pilots. The militia. The government. And Dementyev. They were all in it together.
I scrabbled to my feet – or tried to. But Dementyev was ahead of me. He pounced down, his hands on my shoulders, using his weight to pin me to the seat. For a moment his face was close to mine, the eyes staring at me through the thick lenses.
“There’s nowhere you can go!” he hissed. “I promise you … they won’t treat you badly.”
“They’ll kill me!” I shouted back. “They killed everyone!”
“I’ll talk to them. They’ll take you somewhere safe…”
Yes. I saw it already. A prison or a mental asylum, somewhere I’d never be seen again.
I couldn’t move. Dementyev was too strong for me. And the police cars were getting closer. We were twenty-four floors up but I could hear the sirens cutting through the air. And then I had an idea. I forced myself to relax.
“You can’t do this!” I exclaimed. “My father gave me something for you. He said it was very valuable. He said if I gave it to you, you’d have to help me.”
“What is it?”
“I don’t know. It’s in a bag. It’s in my pocket!”
“Show me.”
He let go of one of my shoulders … but only one of them. I still couldn’t wrench myself free. I was sitting down. He was standing over me and he was twice my size.
“Take it out,” he said.
The police must have turned into the main university drive. I heard car doors slam shut.
Using my one free arm, I drew out the black bag that my mother had given me. At least Dima and his friends hadn’t stolen it when they took my money. I placed it on the desk. And it worked just as I’d hoped. Dementyev still didn’t let go of me but his grip loosened as he reached out and opened the bag. I saw his face change as he tipped out the contents.
“What…?” he began.
I jerked myself free, throwing the chair backwards. As it toppled over, I managed to get to my feet. Dementyev swung round but he was too late to stop me lashing out with my fist. I knocked the glasses off his face. He fell back against the desk but then recovered and seized hold of me again. I needed a weapon and there was only one that I could see. I reached out and grabbed the arm of the skeleton, wrenching it free from the shoulder. The hand and the wrist dangled down but I hung onto the upper bone – the humerus – and used it as a club, smashing it against Dementyev’s head again and again until, with a howl, he fell back. I twisted away. Dementyev had crumpled over the desk. There was blood streaming down his face.
“It’s too late…” he stammered. “You won’t get away.”
I snatched back the jewellery and tumbled out of the office. There was nobody outside. Surely someone must have heard what had happened? I didn’t want to know. I ran to the lift. It was already on the way up and it took me a few seconds to work out that the police were almost certainly inside, travelling towards me. And I might have been caught standing there, waiting for them! I continued down the corridor and found a fire exit – leading to twenty-four flights of stairs. I didn’t stop until I reached the bottom and it was only then that I realized I was still carrying the skeleton’s arm. I found a dustbin, picked up some loose papers and dropped the arm in.
As I walked down the steps at the front door, I saw three police cars parked there with their lights flashing. I pretended to be immersed in the papers I had taken. If there were any policemen outside, I would look like one more of the countless students coming in and out.
But nobody stopped me. I hurried back to the station with just one thought in my head. I was alone in Moscow with no money.
I went back to Kazansky Station.
sp; In a way, it was a mad decision. The police knew I was in Moscow and they would certainly be watching all the major stations – just as they had in Rosna and Kirsk. But I wasn’t leaving. The truth was that in the whole of Russia, I had nowhere to go and no one to look after me. I couldn’t go back to Estrov, obviously, and although I remembered my mother once telling me that she had relations in a city called Kazan, I had no idea where it was or how to get there.
No, it was much better to stay in Moscow, but first of all I would need to change my appearance. That was easy enough. I stripped off my Pioneer uniform and dumped it in a bin. Then I got my hair cut short. Although the bulk of my money had gone, I had managed to find eighteen kopecks scattered through my pockets and I used nine of them at a barber’s shop, a dank little place in a backstreet with old hair strewn over the floor. As I stepped out again, feeling the unfamiliar cool of the breeze on my head and the back of my neck, a police car rushed past – but I wasn’t worried. Even today, I am aware of how little you need to change to lose yourself in a city. A haircut, different clothes, perhaps a pair of sunglasses … it is enough.
I still had enough kopecks for the return journey and as I sat once again in the Metro, I tried to work out some sort of plan. The most immediate problem was accommodation. Where would I sleep when night came? If I stayed out on the street, I would be at my most vulnerable. And then there was the question of food. Without money, I couldn’t eat. Of course, I could steal but the one thing I most dreaded was falling back into the hands of the police. If they recognized me, I was finished. And even if they didn’t, I had heard enough stories about the prison camps all over Russia, built specially for children. Did I want to end up with the rest of my hair shaved off, stuck behind barbed wire in the middle of nowhere? There were thousands of Russian boys whose lives were exactly that.
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Playing Free Roulette At Legal Online Casinos
Since roulette is easy to play for beginners, it’s a popular option at both land-based and legal online casinos. If you’ve enjoyed playing it in the past at a physical location, it’s easier than ever to play a few games for free from the privacy of your own home.
Do Legal Online Casinos Offer Roulette Games?
Many of the legal online casinos in states like New Jersey and Pennsylvania do offer roulette games that you can play. While many of these games will be paid, there may also be demos or practice modes where you can play roulette for no fee whatsoever. This is a great way to try this game or get some practice with a strategy so you can increase your number of wins.
It’s essential to choose reputable online roulette providers, which can be done by looking for online legal providers and see which of them offer a free version of their games. While there are other sources of free roulette, not all websites can be trusted. Make sure you know who is running the site and that it is a legitimate casino.
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It depends on where you decide to play free roulette games. There are many sites where you can hop on, play a few games, and leave without ever making an account. This is a convenient option for someone who wants to get into the game without having to do any extra work.
However, other sites do require you to register before playing. There is often some kind of reward for doing so, which makes it worth making an effort. Signing up at real-money casino websites is also an option if the provider offers free games in addition to the paid ones. If you take a look at the various options, you’ll likely find one that fits your preferences.
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There aren’t a ton of options for making real money by playing free games, but it is a possibility. However, keep in mind that most legal casinos with free games only offer points or fake currency. The main exception to this is a sweepstakes site, where you can collect various forms of coins, and some of them can be turned into real money that you can deposit into your bank account.
Also, there are legal online casinos that are typically pay-to-play that offer a sign-up bonus. When you receive the bonus money, it can be used to play roulette or other games. If you win these games, you can then pull out the money and enjoy real winning cash for playing games for free.
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Playing Roulette For Real Money Online
While free versions of roulette are available online, there are also options to play for real money on the Internet. This is determined by state so not everyone can access these options. However, more and more states are adding legalized online gambling every year, with Michigan expecting to launch in the months to come.
States With Legal Online Roulette
When it comes to legal online roulette, you can find real money games in the following states:
- Delaware
Since all of these states allow online casinos, that also means that roulette can be provided in those locations. Many of these states have slot games, as well as table games like roulette, blackjack, baccarat, and craps. However, you will need to check individual casinos to determine whether they offer roulette as part of their online selection of games.
How Many Different Roulette Games Are Available?
While the main types of roulette are single zero, double zero, and triple zero, that doesn’t mean that these casinos only offer three games. Many of them will have several rooms and may even incorporate different themes for each of them so players can find a game that appeals to their interests.
Some of these casinos might have a single type of roulette in a few different rooms, while others offer dozens of choices. For instance, Tropicana Casino has rooms designated as American roulette and European roulette, as well as having rooms for single zero and double zero roulette. Double zero roulette is the same thing as American roulette, but this allows everyone to find the roulette they are most comfortable with.
What Are The Smallest Stakes You Can Play Online?
If you’re interested in making small bets on roulette, you’re in luck because the game is designed to allow this when you play online. Not only can you often play for just a few dollars (or even cents), but you can also usually take advantage of bonuses for signing up so you can play games for free without making a deposit.
Rather than spending lots of money traveling to a casino, finding lodging, and ordering from expensive restaurants, online casinos also have the perk of not requiring additional funding. With stakes as low as $0.50 at some casinos, you can play with change at home rather than saving up to make a trip to a casino across the state.
Live Dealer Roulette Games At Legal Online Casinos
If you’ve heard anything about online casinos, you might be familiar with the term “live dealer.” Many table games offer both video games where you play only against the house, as well as live dealer games where you are playing with other players and an actual dealer.
What Is Live Dealer Roulette?
Live dealer roulette is a form of roulette where a physical dealer in an actual casino is spinning a roulette wheel for people who are playing online. Also, you will be in a virtual room where other players are also making bets and trying to win. Many people appreciate this kind of setting because you can interact with other players and get a more authentic casino experience with this kind of roulette.
Where Can I Play Live Dealer Roulette For Free Online?
It’s less common to find live dealer games of roulette online, but it still pops up on some sites. The best way to play for free is by visiting an online legal website and using your initial signup bonus to play a few games. Sometimes there may also be practice games that you can play without paying additional money.
What Casinos Offer Real-Money Live Dealer Roulette?
Since roulette is so popular and online casinos are used by so many people, most of them offer live dealer roulette games. For those who want to play in New Jersey, some of your options include the following:
- 888 Casino
- Betfair Casino
- Golden Nugget Casino
You will find additional options in other states, depending on where you are located. Regardless of where you decide to play, this is an immersive experience that replicates a physical casino. What makes them so unique is that you can access this style of gambling from any mobile device.
Fundamentals Of Roulette Strategy
As with any table or card game at a casino, people who play come up with strategies intended to make them more money. Whether these work or not is up for debate, but they can offer a new way to play the game. Most of these strategies are used by experienced players who want to add a new level of excitement to the game.
Best Bets On The Roulette Table
The best bets to make at a roulette table depend on what your intentions are. Someone who wants to spend a lot of time playing without losing a lot is going to have a different system than someone who wants to win a ton of money quickly. Those who want to make money fast will want to choose a single number and hope for some good luck.
On the other hand, those who want to simply play a lot might want to choose even money bets. You aren’t going to win as much money as selecting a single number. However, you are going to win on a much more regular basis. This means putting money back in your pocket so you can keep playing games as long as you like.
Roulette Betting Systems
The most common betting systems for roulette are the martingale and the reverse martingale. With the former method, you choose a table with a small minimum and high maximum bet and make small wagers on even or odd or black or red. When you win, you keep the winnings and the same wager for the next game. If you don’t win, you double down on your bet each game until you do win.
The reverse martingale system is the exact opposite of the above strategy. Rather than adding to your bets when you lose, you increase them upon winning and lower them if you lose. The idea is that you can keep your money flowing when you are on a streak and prevent losing a lot when things aren’t going so hot.
Roulette: The Five Minute Guide
We mentioned that roulette is a straightforward table game to play for those who are interested in casino gaming. It consists of a wheel with many numbered slots along with a dealer who spins the wheel and ball before it lands into one of the slots. Many bets can be made based on where the ball will end up when the wheel stops.
Basic Rules Of Roulette
When playing roulette in a physical casino, it’s a hands-on experience. Players mark the felt table with markers or chips to indicate their bet. Rather than having a denomination on the chips, they will come in various colors that each indicates a specific amount. For example, a player might exchange $20 for ten $2 markers or four $5 chips. When playing online, things are even more straightforward since it’s a matter of tapping on the screen to show what you want to wager.
The American rules for roulette are relatively straightforward and the entire process starts when players make their bets. Players can bet on red or black, odds or evens, the numbers 1 through 18 or 18 through 36, specifics numbers, or a selection of numbers. The odds of winning vary based on what your specific bet is. For example, some of the most common bets have the following odds:
Evens or Odds | 1:1 |
Red or Black | 1:1 |
Column / Thirds | 2:1 |
Exact Number | 35:1 |
Common Roulette Variations
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There are many different variations of roulette besides the American style. For instance, there is European roulette, which has better odds than American roulette. Instead of having a single zero and a double zero on the wheel, the European wheel has only a single zero. This gives players an advantage since any time the ball lands on a zero or double zero, the house wins.
French roulette is another variation that has a single zero on the wheel. However, it also has special rules. One of them is that a player loses half of their bet when the ball lands on zero for outside bets. There is another bet that “imprisons” bets when zero is landed on. Rather than getting half of a bet back, the bet will stand for the next spin.
The House Edge in Roulette
When playing traditional American roulette, the house always has the edge, which means there is a specific probability of winning. All of the casinos in the United States use these rules except for those in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The house edge is going to be 1/19, which is 5.26 percent. The only exception is on a zero, double zero, one, two, three combination, which has an even higher edge at 7.89 percent.

When it comes to Atlantic City, the even money bets are similar to European rules, where a ball that lands on zero or double zero causes players to lose only half of the wager. That brings the house edge down to 2.63% on this kind of bet but does not come into effect on single-zero wheels.
Playing Las Vegas-Style Roulette Online for Free
One of the first places that people think of when it comes to roulette and other table games is none other than Las Vegas. Playing the same kind of roulette that you’ve seen on your television screen in many films and television shows is super appealing to a wide variety of people. The good news is you can do so right from your own home.
Tropicana Casino is a New Jersey-based casino that offers an online app where you can play a wide variety of slots and table games. This particular casino offers single zero roulette, American roulette, European roulette, as well as a selection of other games. This is also one of few casinos that offer 90 Ball Bingo for those who sign up to play.
Another casino with roulette online from New Jersey is Golden Nugget Casino. When this casino went live in 2016, it started out offering roulette, blackjack, and baccarat games with live dealers. This is a great way to feel like part of the action while playing with other users since it takes part in real-time.
SugarHouse Casino is found in Pennsylvania and is another online legal casino with a selection of roulette games. Traditional roulette, American roulette, and other variations of the game are available for play online. There is a wide selection of tables games online at this casino, but the slot games are where this app shines.
Roulette Games: Single Zero, Double Zero, Triple Zero
You may have heard the terms single zero, double zero, and triple zero in terms of roulette and wondered what the difference between these games is. Besides offering additional zeros on the wheel, some of these games are more fruitful for players than others, which is an important thing to know if you want to win more games.
Which Game Is Best For The Player?
As the number of zeros on a roulette wheel goes up, so does the edge that the house has against a player. Since a ball landing on zero, at least in American roulette, results in players losing, the more zeros there are, the more chances there are to lose. Once you realize that, you’ll find that the best roulette game for players is single zero.
Compare House Edge
To explain a bit more why single-zero games are best for players, we only have to look at the house edge for single, double, and triple zero games. Single zero roulette or European roulette has one zero on the wheel, which has a total of 37 slots. That means the house has an edge of 2.7 percent on every bet.
As we mentioned earlier, American roulette has a house edge of 5.26 percent, which makes it less likely for a player to win. The odds go down even more when playing triple zero roulette, which has three zeros (one is usually a logo of the casino) and 38 slots. Since there are even more zeros where the ball can land, the house edge goes up to 7.69 percent.
Las Vegas Casinos Where You Can Play Single Zero
Many of the casinos in Las Vegas have single zero roulette games, where the person playing has the best chance of winning possible. Some of these include the Bellagio, the MGM Grand, the Wynn, the Mirage, and the Monte Carlo. A selection of these games has French or European rules, while others do not.
Many of the online casinos in Pennsylvania and New Jersey also offer this kind of roulette. A selection of the casinos in New Jersey with this option include Resorts, Caesars, Pala Casino, Golden Nugget, and Tropicana. Other options in the state include Mohegan Sun, Party Poker, Harrah’s, and 888.
For those in Pennsylvania who want to play with established online casinos, choices range from Harrah’s to Parx, SugarHouse, Valley Forge, and more. Hollywood Casino, Presque Isle Downs Casino, and Mount Airy Casino also offer a selection of roulette options.
Free Roulette Online Play FAQ
Yes. In some cases, you can play a game of free roulette without making an account. However, there are also roulette sites that will want you to register before you play a game. Whatever you prefer to do, you will find a roulette site that offers the option. It’s just a matter of digging into the details to find out what is required.
Russian Roulette online, free
Yes. Sweepstakes sites offer roulette that can be played for free, but you can also win real money or other prizes. Sites like Chumba Casino are an alternative for those who live in states without legal real money gambling.
Russian Roulette Game online, free
Yes. One of the best ways to get comfortable with roulette betting strategies is by playing free games. You can try new things without the pressure of losing money if the strategy doesn’t go your way. This can also be a great way to try roulette and see if it’s right for you.
Russian Roulette Online Game Free
Sometimes. It depends on the site where you are playing to play free roulette games. Some are going to require a flash player while others may use another type of technology. Make sure to look at the requirements before playing if you want to avoid flash games.